[vimeo height= »528″ width= »940″]http://vimeo.com/232452530[/vimeo]
FR. ‘L’Europe est, et a toujours été, le rêve de tout surfeur. Des côtes à perte de vue, des cultures variées, et des vagues parfaites attendaient les surfeurs explorateurs dans les années 60. 50 ans plus tard, nous rejoignons une nouvelle génération de surfeurs européens, dans les traces de ces pionniers qui ont sculpté l’extraordinaire scène surf européenne.
EN. Europe is, and always has been a traveling surfers dream. Diverse coastlines, curious cultures and perfect waves awaited those who first explored the continent for surf and adventure in the 1960s.
50 years later, we join a new generation of European surfers as they trace the steps of the pioneering few who first tackled Europe’s waves and sculpted it’s extraordinary surf scene.nia, is a world famous, man-made beast of a wave. Since its creation, people have flocked from all over to see it in its mythical form. Wedge waves can be as powerful as any on Earth. It is a place where injuries are common and where even deaths have occurred.
Dirty Old Wedge is a documentary film that will showcase the history of the Wedge starting from its creation in the 1930’s. A unique assemblage of bodysurfers which has come to be known as the «Wedge Crew» will be one of the focal points of this film, highlighting their relationships with the wave and with one another.
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